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Paul Gibbons big data

Risks and Misuse of Big Data – Learning from Bank Fraud

In 1995, I was tapped on the shoulder at Coopers (now PwC) by a partner in the forensic accounting practice who was leading our investigation into a 93 million pound fraud ($140m) at NatWest bank. “Gibbons, you traded options, did you not?” “Some”, I replied. Then, suspiciously, “It says here you speak French?” Once he […]

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Paul Gibbons author

CEO “super-coaches” – Paul Gibbons interviewed by CEO Magazine

In 2009, Paul Taffinder (one of my mentors) and I were interviewed for CEO Magazine about our role as CEO super coaches. In this short piece, we talk about why CEOs use coaches, what specific problems they bring to us, and about our approaches. Download the full article here: ceo-super-coach The chief executive must personify […]

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FIFA, LIBOR, and Volkswagen Ethics Scandals in 2016

Video:  How did the worlds most important interest rate, largest car manufacturer, and largest sports organization become corrupted by billion-dollar scandals?  What happened? How could the mishaps have been avoided? What are the lessons for business leaders?  

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Change Agility: Creating Growth Cultures

Video: Why do organizations, it seems, resist change?  What does an agile organization look like?  What are the levers leaders can pull to great agile, growth cultures?

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Why We Suck at Behavioral Change

Video: In this signature talk at Microsoft’s Distinguished Author Program, I cover why behaviors do not follow intentions, plans, and strategies.  What is wrong with the ways people change behaviors (in themselves, in business, and in society) that makes it so difficult?  After watching this, watch this for some strategies that work.

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21st Century Behavioral Change Strategies

Video: In this signature talk at Microsoft’s Distinguished Author Program, I introduce three ideas from 21st century science  that produce measurable changes in behavior.  For why existing strategies don’t work, view Why We Suck at Behavioral Change.  

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best book on change management

Book trailer for The Science of Organizational Change

This is a short video summary of The Science of Successful Organizational Change. The book is available on by clicking on the book image below.

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yin and yang strategy

Meta-strategies for 21st Century Leaders

Yin and yang strategy Strategy is a dance between “hard” approaches, which set direction, plan, and persevere, and “soft” approaches which sense, respond, and flex.  Lots of writing on strategy maintains one is better than the other, rise and fall like hemlines with “soft” strategies currently in vogue (emergent strategy, adaptive strategy, lean strategy, discovery-driven […]

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career myths

7 Myths and Cognitive Biases that Might be Killing Your Career?

Helping people find careers they love sometimes means helping them get out of their own way.  These seven career myths and cognitive biases are the most damaging. Which might be getting in your way? This summary of career myths is from Reboot Your Career, co-authored with Tim Ragan, and available end-September 2016.  The article first appeared in […]

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human flourishing

Is Pursuit of Happiness Making You Miserable?

The happiness disease? The idea that happiness is the most important goal in life has a lot going for it. Philosophers, Eastern and Western, from John Stuart Mill, to the Buddha, testify to its importance. Visit the psychology section of your local bookstore and every second title, it seems, is about happiness. I’m going to […]

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