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human flourishing

Human Flourishing questionnaire – Beyond Happiness

More than happy?  Flourishing captures more of what is important to human beings – and provides a richer compass for their lives than happiness. You can find a post explaining human flourishing here. This is a questionnaire from the book Reboot Your Career. If you find this valuable, don’t forget to sign up for more […]

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Paul Gibbons post-truth blog

TRUTH WARS: How we will survive fake news, post-truth, and the war on science

Truth Wars  Wars are part of human history, but 20th century nuclear weapons made them more destructive than ever. Wisdom prevailed; here we still are. Truth wars, that is fighting over truth, are also a bloody part of our history, and 21st century technology has brought new combatants: for example, a fake news industry, and […]

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Gibbons pseudoscience and business

Is Change Management Science? Is Leadership? Should They Be?

I’m often asked whether change management is scientific, or whether it is pure craft?  One of my main worries is about pseudoscience in society, and the business world is rife with it.  Can much be done?  This is an excerpt from The Science of Organizational Change – the chapter references are from that book. (You […]

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Knowledge Illusion Paul Gibbons' review

Book Review – The Knowledge Illusion – Why We Never Think Alone

Knowledge Illusion: Inspiring, paradigm shifting perspective on knowledge – and what humans can achieve together The Knowledge Illusion tells us something depressing – we don’t know nearly as much INDIVIDUALLY as we think, and something liberating – COLLECTIVELY, thinking together, we can achieve magical things. Day in and day out we use objects, such as […]

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paul gibbons post-truth expert

Truth Wars: A post-truth survival guide for consumers and citizens

Post-truth world: A new word for a new era? In 2016, the OED awarded “post-truth” the word of the year, defining “post-truth” as: ‘relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief’. “Post-truth” often refers to political debate, brought into sharper […]

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Paul Gibbons expert on fake news and post truth

What is fake news? The three kinds

Fake news can be divided into three kinds. The first kind is news that is deliberately “made-up” and that the “perp” knows is manufactured. The second kind is news that is unarguably false, yet in the minds of the writer/ publisher is true.  The third kind is satirical, from publications such as The Onion, who […]

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paul gibbons post-truth expert

Post-truth politics – the best article so far

The Economist devoted an entire issue to post-truth politics – called The Art of the Lie.  The subtitle was: Politicians have always lied. Does it matter if they leave the truth behind entirely?  There are two articles, I’ve posted their intro and links to the complete articles,   This is their intro to their leader on […]

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best book on change management

The Future of Change Management: Podcast

The Future of Change Management Podcast In this podcast with Theresa Moulton of the Change Management Review – ( we discuss the future of change management.  How we will need to evolve the profession and develop ourselves as change experts. What led you, after 25 years’ experience in change management, to write “The Science of […]

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Paul Gibbons post-truth blog

Are facts really facts – post-truth and fake news

This is a snippet from the introduction to the Truth Wars book… make sure you sign up for release information.  First casualty in the truth wars – facts The truth ought not to be something you can fight over.  Facts are facts, science is science, reality is real, so you might think. Facts are facts. […]

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behavioral economics and change management

Biases in the Boardroom: Behavioral Economics and Leadership

How do cognitive biases affect senior leadership decisions, and what can business strategists and board members do to circumvent the effect of non-rational decision making behavior? Cognitive biases and leadership decision making from Paul Gibbons

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