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Paul Gibbons top 5 podcasts

My Top 5 Podcasts from Think Bigger Think Better in 2018

  The best, most humbling thing about Think Bigger Think Better is the amazing people (26 of them) with whom I’ve had conversations. Picking a top-five podcasts from 2018 was a nasty nasty job. I’ve picked these podcasts both for the importance of the topic, and for the wondrous, engaging speaking styles of my guest. Without Further […]

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Paul Gibbons podcasting tips

The Three Lessons I’ve Learned From My Year in Podcasting

You may think podcasting is easy. But of course, entrepreneurs never know how things will turn out. I’ve often said that if I’d known how difficult it would be to start a company, write a book, OR run a podcast at the outset – well, I might have chosen a different path! In reflecting back on my […]

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Paul Gibbons on risk

Humans Do Not Understand Risk – Six Costly Mistakes We All Make

Deciding in a risky world In a VUCA world, you need to understand volatility and uncertainty.  Yet even CEOs, CFOs and senior business people I work with are ignorant of some of the basics of risk and probability, which can make them the “sucker” in the game. (In poker, we say if you can’t spot the […]

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Truth Wars Paul Gibbons

Truth Wars quotations – fake news, democracy, and Trump

Writing Truth Wars is hard! Not only is the subject vast, touching on journalism, Facebook, critical thinking, science, politics, corporate fraud and much more – the landscape on which the book reports changes daily (hourly?)  Furthermore, without a publisher and chunky advance, the very annoying job of earning a crust interferes with scholarship, research, and […]

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Reboot Your Life, feat. David Allen’s GTD

A few years ago, I gave many one-day seminars on leadership, and on time management.  Here are the slides from a one-hour introduction to some of the concepts from Getting Things Done – David Allen’s signature method for running your life. The tools within are the simplest, most elegant way of managing time that I’ve […]

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Announcing the THINK BIGGER, THINK BETTER Podcast!

I’m thrilled to announce the launch of the THINK BIGGER, THINK BETTER podcast! It’s been a long time in the making and I’m really excited to finally share it with all of you. The THINK BIGGER, THINK BETTER podcast asks the question, “How can contemporary philosophy and science help us make better choices, lead better lives, […]

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What is a good (ethical) business?

Listen to this four minute clip on the difference between an ethical and unethical business, and most importantly what I think the biggest differentiator is.  Spoiler:  it is having people unafraid to have values[based conversations, which are scary, and emotionally challenging but essential if ethical norms are to be followed.

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Paul Gibbons, global expert on business ethics

Business Ethics Review of 2016: Wells Fargo, AI, and Pharmaceutical Price Gouging

At our review of the biggest business ethics disasters of 2016, we talked about Wells Fargo, AI, and Big Pharma.  The audience asked some great questions, about GREED being a motivator, and about neuroscience and its relationship to ethics.  Here are some of my answers.  In this 3m clip you will find a taste of […]

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Paul Gibbons, global expert on business ethics

What is Post Truth: Populism, Nationalism, and Alternative Facts

I had the privilege of moderating a panel of experts on Wells Fargo, Big Pharma, and AI at the Institute for Enterprise Ethics – I started with the challenge to expertise that post-truth represents.  

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