The science of leadership and change: creating tomorrow’s workplaces

Author: Paul Gibbons

  • Post-truth politics – the best article so far

    [social_warfare]The Economist devoted an entire issue to post-truth politics – called The Art of the Lie.  The subtitle was: Politicians have always lied. Does it matter if they leave the truth behind entirely?  There are two articles, I’ve posted their intro and links to the complete articles,   This is their intro to their leader on…

  • The Future of Change Management: Podcast

    [social_warfare] The Future of Change Management Podcast In this podcast with Theresa Moulton of the Change Management Review – ( we discuss the future of change management.  How we will need to evolve the profession and develop ourselves as change experts. What led you, after 25 years’ experience in change management, to write “The Science…

  • Are facts really facts – post-truth and fake news

    [social_warfare]This is a snippet from the introduction to the Truth Wars book… make sure you sign up for release information.  First casualty in the truth wars – facts The truth ought not to be something you can fight over.  Facts are facts, science is science, reality is real, so you might think. Facts are facts.…

  • How do you create an ethical business culture? Storytelling at Shell, BP, and Microsoft

    [social_warfare]Creating an ethical culture in your business You cannot create a good enough ethical mousetrap – humans are vastly creative (even at fraud). The mishaps at LIBOR, VW, 2008 financial crisis, Deepwater Horizon, Wells Fargo all happened at businesses which had multiple layers of controls. So what can you do? Create an ethical culture –…

  • What makes a business “good” (in the ethical sense)? Fearless conversations about values

    [social_warfare]Is ethical business, good business? When you talk about a person being good, you mean more than they follow the law. Yet some people think following the law is all that is required of business – notably Milton Friedman who won a Nobel Prize. It is clearly a nonsense idea – Friedman was a good…

  • Post-truth: A list of excellent resources and links

    Post-truth resources This is a brief list of (in my view) excellent post-truth resources.  They were an early part of the research I’m doing for the Truth Wars book.  I hope you find them useful. The Economist (a conservative international news magazine) ran a quite brilliant pre-election post-truth overview. Steve Inskeep, from NPR, wrote A…

  • Truth Wars: A post-truth survival guide for consumers and citizens

    (This is the first of a series of blog posts on post-truth (from 23rd February 2017).  The posts are drafts from the upcoming book Truth Wars.  The drafts are rough, but as there are new developments daily, I’ve opted for speed over perfection. Comments very welcome, ad hominem attacks, or attacks on particular groups are…

  • Healthcare Madness: An American Disease

    Paul Gibbons Op Ed in the Capital Times Newspaper, April 2007 An uncertain hold on reality – that is what you Wisconsinites have.  At least if you are one of the twenty people who have held me hostage and grilled me on healthcare since my return here.  Not, “how were your 25 years in Europe,…

  • Spirituality in Business: New Era, or Pop Fad?

    In 1999, I published extensively on spirituality in business (spirituality at work) and featured in an article in the UK Independent. The Worker Within by Kate Hilpern Yoga, t’ai chi, even poetry – soul and spirituality have arrived at the office. Last summer, you may remember, Glenn Hoddle attempted to improve England’s chances in the…

  • Leadership, linguistic ontology, somatics, and spirituality

    Much leadership theory comes from psychology, or worse it is just made up. That is far too narrow a range of “sources” for a topic as important as leadership. In other publications, I talk about economics, neuroscience, sociology, and leadership. In this talk, given at the International Leadership Association in 2007, I introduce three other…