The science of leadership and change: creating tomorrow’s workplaces

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“A Peter Drucker for the 21st-century
— perhaps even more profound.”

Robert Entenmann, SVP, ABN-Amro

“Paul is that rarest of birds, an intellectual in a business school.”

Dan Sweeney, Chair, Institute for Enterprise Ethics

“Paul Gibbons applies science and practical wisdom
to organizational culture – a charlatan-filled domain.”

Jeffrey Pfeffer, Professor, Stanford Business School

“The only thing that could have been improved is if
we had had Paul Gibbons for all three days.”

Tonit Calaway, VP, Harley Davidson

“We didn’t hear what we wanted to hear,
we heard what we needed to hear.”

Simon Collins, Chairman, KPMG

“This was the best event of its kind that I have been to.
And I’ve been to hundreds.”

Doug Smith, CEO, Child Support Agency

“I still find myself using what I learned ten years later.”

Paul Say, VP, HSBC

“It was great to hear a public intellectual
who could make things practical.”

Patrick Vallance, SVP, Glaxo Smith Kline

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The Future of Change Management

Has change management kept up with 21st-century workplace trends and the revolutionary research in the human sciences of this century?

Who in the 20th century imagined how important people analytics, ChatGPT, diversity and inclusion, mental health, neuroscience, and the behavioral sciences would become?

Editors, Paul Gibbons and Tricia Kennedy, think “no” and “nobody,” respectively.

A single volume – they envision three, with Volume I appearing in Spring 2024.

Inside Volume I of the Future of Change Management series, the reader will find chapters from leading practitioners from four continents. Those chapters cover neurodiversity, neuroscience, mental health, several aspects of behavioral science and change, design thinking, ChatGPT, and people analytics.

The Science of Organizational Change

Leaders need guidance on change grounded in the latest science, not 20th-century myths. This book takes us on a journey from change mythology, from New Age change ideas, from “reports in drawers,” and from pop psychology up to the present.

Change Myths

How humans decide what to believe, in their professional and personal lives, is vital. It applies to our interest area, the myths of organizational change, but also critically to life, such as health and medical decisions, fake news, politics, and more.

The Spirituality of Work and Leadership

This is the most comprehensive treatment of workplace spirituality to date written by one of the “movement’s” founders, and covers meaning-making, work, workaholism, vocation and purpose, happiness, mindfulness, altruism, motivation, engagement, and leadership.


In Impact, globally recognized culture change expert, Paul Gibbons gives leaders 21st century change tools and models that are based on up-to-the-minute research in behavioral sciences, complexity theory, agile methods, information science, and more.


“While the idea that 70 percent of all change fails is garbage, it seems true that around 80 percent of culture change fails.”

“Behavioral science interventions, such as nudges, can produce 3-4 times better results than trying to inspire or educate people alone.”


“Around 1 in 5 people report poor or fair mental health, 50% will have an episode in their lifetime, and economic costs are around $100 billion year.”

“69% of workers say their boss affects mental health more than their spouse; and 80% of workplaces have high-to-moderate toxicity.”

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