The science of leadership and change: creating tomorrow’s workplaces

The Future of Change Management: Podcast

[social_warfare] The Future of Change Management Podcast

In this podcast with Theresa Moulton of the Change Management Review – ( we discuss the future of change management.  How we will need to evolve the profession and develop ourselves as change experts.

  1. What led you, after 25 years’ experience in change management, to write “The Science of Organizational Change?”
  2. During that time, what have you’ve seen that has changed the most, and what hasn’t changed at all, in the field of organizational change?
  3. Where do you think the change management industry needs to go now?
  4. What is evidence-based management, and how does it impact organizational change?
  5. With fewer people entering the change management industry, what is happening to all the tacit knowledge that’s been created over the past 25-30 years? What needs to happen in order to preserve it?
  6. Can you give us a preview of your next book, called “Truth Wars” and how it may or may not link to organizational change?

We touch on behavioral economics, evidence-based management, engagement, alignment, and how change management needs to change into the 21st Century.

I also give a 5m precis at the end on post-truth politics…